miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015

Difference comes Bachelors, Masters, Engineering, PhD ... How long is each? What are the advantages?

Difference comes Bachelors, Masters, Engineering, PhD ...How long is each?What are the advantages?

Licienciatura: study at the university of any kind, except some engineering: design, communication, medicine, law, psychology, political science, sociology, management, biology ...
Engineering the same level as a degree, only applies only to careers as systems engineering, computer engineering, mechatronics engineering, mechanical engineering, geophysical engineering, are focused career with mathematics and other sciences
Masters: a degree higher than the bachelor and engineering study. Has a bachelor's degree, the engineering is an engineer, but a master does not have a master, at least not an elementary teacher, secundiaria, high school .... A master's is who specializes in a branch and more is similiar or different from their bachelor
PhD: the higher the degrees, engineering and master's degree. A person who has done this is because before a race (degree or engineering) a master's degree and now has a higher level of education. As if I had three careers. Similarly medical graduates are not doctors, so they are told by custom, but rather they are medical graduates, and if they make their specializations may have the title accrediting them as doctors. There are many types of doctorates, ie, many specializations, almost any career
How long? So much depends on the school career and the last degrees (or should last) of 4-6 years, depending on the difficulty that this has, but not the same length in a public school in a duck in e ¿ sta you will offer careers in three years or less as long as you pay them, but teaching is not good. In my college lasts four years Pedagogy, Comunicaión 4½ lasust have roughly that length
The masters and doctorates to be especializades last between one and two years, approximately, as the basics you purchased it in your career, here only enfocarás you delve into some aspect.
Advantages? it obviously gives you the most prestigious to have a master's or doctorate, is little percentage of people have them, but it gives you personal satisfaction, academic and even labor or economic. Have a PhD does not guarantee you a good job, but makes it easier for you to get it, because your level of education is higher.ts law 5 and continues medical engineering 6. J

martes, 16 de junio de 2015

How get online masters degree online programs

How get online masters degree online 


Penn State World Campus offers master's degrees online to help you advance your career. Earning a respected, accredited master's degree online from Penn State, a nationally-recognized institution, can benefit your career and professional advancement. Learn from world-class Penn State graduate faculty and study with other career-focused students from diverse backgrounds. Explore our graduate degree options to see what programs we currently offer online.

Adult Education
Applied Statistics
Art Education
Business Administration - MBA
Community and Economic Development
Curriculum and Instruction
Data Analytics
Data Analytics – Business Analytics Option
Earth Sciences
Educational Leadership
Engineering Management
Enterprise Architecture
Geographic Information Systems - GIS
Health Policy and Administration
Higher Education
Homeland Security Base Program
Homeland Security – Agricultural Biosecurity and Food Defense Option
Homeland Security – Geospatial Intelligence Option
Homeland Security – Information Security and Forensics Option
Homeland Security – Public Health Preparedness Option
Human Resources and Employment Relations
Information Sciences - Cybersecurity and Information Assurance
Learning, Design, and Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Nuclear Engineering
Organization Development and Change
Project Management
Psychology of Leadership at Work
Public Administration
Renewable Energy and Sustainability Systems - Bioenergy Option
Renewable Energy and Sustainability Systems - Solar Energy Option
Renewable Energy and Sustainability Systems - Sustainability Management and Policy Option
Renewable Energy and Sustainability Systems - Wind Energy Option
Renewable Energy and Sustainability Systems Base Program
Software Engineering
Special Education
Supply Chain Management
Systems Engineering
Turfgrass Management

Three benefits of getting your Masters degree

Three benefits of getting your Masters degree

Three benefits of getting your Masters degree

Studying a Masters is already a challenge in itself; spend time, money and effort into it can be a daunting undertaking for many. However, although several are graduating from graduate school, few are those who acquire the final grade that supports this professionalization.

Why is it important to get a graduate degree? Here we mention three real benefits from it:

You get better economic benefits: it is guaranteed 55 percent more likely to find a well-paid to those who study a graduate than those who are satisfied with a college degree employment.
Increased capacity of competitiveness to the scale of positions: Get the degree allows you to make a difference among all professionals who studied the same degree as graduates from the sea, you will be the acquiring additional knowledge.
Opportunity for a national scholarship to study abroad or PhD: Most educational institutions awarding grants full support in the area of ​​postgraduate consider only those people who already have the title and certificate of degree as the process is long, many candidates and several requirements. Those who have not obtained a master's degree can never grant access to PhD because not even pass the first filter process.

lunes, 8 de junio de 2015

How doctorate in Germany

How doctorate in Germany

To perform a doctorate in Germany must prove the possession of any of the following titles: Diplom, Magister, Master. Generally the title of Master is awarded to recognize. Only in exceptional cases universities accept candidates with a bachelor's Undergraduate / Bachelor.

Generally universities are institutions that grant doctoral degrees. However, it is also possible to do a PhD in a research facility (such as a Max Planck Institute / Fraunhofer etc.). The duration of a doctoral study is usually three to four years.

We have to know that in Germany there is only one path to the title of Doctor, so those interested can choose between two different ways: traditional Doctorate according to the learner model or Structured PhD programs.

For insight into the particularities of a doctoral study will recommend that interested first of all check in great detail the brochure Doing a Doctorate in Germany and useful links.

Modalidades de Doctorado

Para llevar a cabo un estudio doctoral en Alemania deben tenerse en cuenta diferentes aspectos que se han ido tratando en el apartado Investigar en Alemania. Dentro de estos aspectos vale la pena recalcar que en Alemania existen diferentes caminos para la obtención del título de Doctorado. A continuación presentamos una descripción general de los mismos. El DAAD ofrece información más detallada en el folleto.
Doing a Doctorate in Germany.
Modelo tradicional de "aprendíz"
En el caso del doctorado tradicional la tesis doctoral se escribe bajo la tutoría de un profesor, el llamado "Doktorvater”. Los doctorandos hacen su doctorado de manera individual en una facultad, normalmente sobre un tema elegido por ellos mismos. El objetivo del doctorado es la redacción y publicación de la tesis doctoral escrita, que se denomina también "Dissertation”. El primer paso para realizar un doctorado según el modelo aprendíz es la búsqueda de un tutor ("Doktorvater").
Doctorado estructurado
Los programas de doctorado estructurado ofrecen un currículo fijo con asesoramiento individual y una duración predefinida. 
La oferta en Alemania es amplia, cuenta con colegios de graduados, colegios de graduados internacionales,  escuelas de graduados así como las International Max Planck Research Schools, además de los 188 International Doctoral Programmes ofrecidos por las universidades alemanas. La oferta comprende casi todas las disciplinas. La cantidad de programas es particularmente grande en áreas como matemáticas y ciencias experimentales así como en las ciencias jurídicas, económicas y sociales. También bajo la tutela de la Comunidad Helmholtz, la mayor organización científica de Alemania, se ha establecido una formación de doctorados estructurados de alto nivel.
 Doctorado en la industria
La oferta de cooperación con el sector económico es de especial interés: empresas orientadas hacia la investigación aprovechan los programas de doctorado para atraer a jóvenes científicos. En la industria y el sector económico el doctorado ofrece a los graduados una combinación atractiva de teoría y práctica. Muchos consorcios alemanes de alto renombre cooperan con los centros superiores y ofrecen proyectos de investigación correspondientes. Por regla general, los jóvenes científicos reciben contratos laborales temporales y de esta manera aseguran la financiación del doctorado.

Fulbright program

The Fulbright Program is a competitive grant program of study for exchange of US graduates and members of the Program that can research, study or teach in the program countries or the United States. It is considered one of the most prestigious programs in the world and operates in 144 countries. More Fulbright alumni have won the Nobel Prize (including two Nobel in 2002) than any other academic program.

J. William Fulbright
The Fulbright ("Fulbright Program") Program is a program of educational grants Fulbright -Associations ("Fulbright Fellowships") and Fulbright ("Fulbright Scholarships" - sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs ("Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs ') of the United States Department of State, governments of other countries and the private sector.
The program was born after the Second World War, on the initiative of then Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas, with the hope that by promoting exchanges between Americans and citizens of other nations, the foundations of future conflict would be eliminated to promote tolerance and mutual understanding.

The Fulbright Program provides funding for students, scholars and professionals to undertake graduate study, advanced research, university teaching and teaching in elementary and secondary schools abroad. The initial scope of this program focused on Europe, but now the program works worldwide.

The program is administered by 51 binational Fulbright Commissions, US embassies, and partner organizations. His first participants traveled in 1948, funded by war reparations and reimbursement of US foreign loans. Today, it is financed by funds from the Congress and contributions from partner governments. The program also receives significant financial support from academic institutions, foundations and the private sector.

The first exchanges took place in 1948 when 35 students and a teacher traveled to the United States and 65 Americans traveled abroad. Currently, in almost sixty years it has been running, more than 250,000 people have participated in the Fulbright Program, including more than 100,000 Americans and more than 150,000 citizens of other countries.

Provides scholarships ...

Fulbright Foundation provides scholarships for masters and doctorates in USA.

If you are a university professor and were interested in continuing your studies in the US, you could not miss this opportunity. Fulbright Scholarships Foundation estubieron open until 29 April.
All Costa Rican university professors who estubieron interested in studying master's or doctorate in the United States, had until April 29 to apply for Fulbright scholarships LASPAU (Academic and Professional Programs for the Americas).

domingo, 7 de junio de 2015

Getting Online Degree

How to Get a Degree Online

Decide what type of degree that you'd like to pursue. This may seem like a simple step for some, but for advanced degrees it's very important to be specific. A school that has an excellent general Environmental Studies program might not be as highly rated as the school that offers an Environmental Water Resource Management program.
  • Think about your career goals, and how the degree you choose will help you reach those goals.
Use the Internet. Use Google to search on schools that offer a degree in your field, and find out how online colleges compare to each other.
Eliminate the colleges that don't fit. Some online institutions may have prohibitively steep pricing, or require a time commitment that you cannot match. If a college does not meet your criteria, scratch it off the list.
  • Learn about asynchronous versus synchronous learning. Synchronous learning allows for real-time interaction online while an asynchronous class allows for more flexibility with when you can sit down and work on class work.
Focus on your top 3 choices. Take the time to research and read about the programs they offer in your field, both to ascertain if it's the right fit for you, and if it's a path you are truly excited about pursuing.
  • Find out what pre-requisites you'll need for each school. These will vary, and may have an impact on your choice.
Dig deeper. Find out about the school's certification and accreditation. The Distance Education and Training Council typically handles much of online school accreditation, and is an excellent resource for your online college research.
Contact your schools. After doing thorough background research, contact the schools that made your cut. Talk with somebody in the Admissions department about their requirements, their application procedures, and anything else they feel you should know that is unique to their institution.
Fill out the application forms. Fill out the forms for your final candidates, pay your application fee, and await the results.
  • If your application is accepted in all your college choices, you will have to make a decision—but having gone through the process of elimination, you will have a clear idea of your first, second, or third choices.
  • A school representative will contact you and walk you through the process of enrollment.
Good luck! Get started, go to class, and earn that degree!

sábado, 6 de junio de 2015

Academic degree

Academic Degrees

Academic degrees are capitalized only when the full name of the degree is used, such as Bachelor of Arts or Master of Social Work. General references, such as bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree, are not capitalized.
He earned a Bachelor of Arts in 2008.
He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in communication in 2008.
He earned a Bachelor of Arts in communication in 2008.
He earned a bachelor’s degree in 2008.
She holds a doctoral degree (or doctorate) from Stanford University.
Abbreviations, such as B.A., M.S. and Ph.D., should be used in text only when there is a need to identify many people by academic degree and use of the full names would be cumbersome.
In most writing, use of the general terms bachelor’s or bachelor’s degree, master’s or master’s degree and doctorate or doctoral degree are sufficient to establish credentials and preferred to use of the full name of the degree (or the initials).
Use an apostrophe (possessive) with bachelor’s degree and master’s degree, but not in Bachelor of Arts or Master of Science. Do not use an apostrophe (possessive) with associate degree or doctoral degree.

Never use both a courtesy title and degree

Preferred: Dr. Dana Brooks will...
Acceptable: Dana Brooks, Ph.D., will...
Do not use: Dr. Dana Brooks, Ph.D., will...

Identifying alumni by class year versus degrees earned

To identify someone as an alumnus or alumna of WMU, use the person's preferred class year. Immediately following the name, enter one space, an apostrophe and the two-numeral preferred class year. Both graduate and non-graduate alumni (attended but did not earn a degree) have a preferred class year, and each alumnus and alumna has only one preferred class year, regardless of how many degrees are held.
Mary W. Smith ’79 was elected president of the chapter.
To identify degrees earned at WMU, place a comma immediately after the name, and follow it with a space, the degree, an apostrophe, the two-numeral year the degree was awarded, and a comma (or period at the end of a sentence).
Mary W. Smith, B.A.’79, was elected president.
Thomas C. Clark, B.A.’65, M.A.’67, Ph.D.’79, attended the reunion.
If your intention is to show degrees earned at WMU, then list both the degrees and the years in which they were earned. If your intention is simply to indicate that the person is an alumnus or alumna, use only the preferred class year.
Thomas C. Clark ’65 attended the reunion.
Thomas C. Clark, B.A.’65, M.A.’67, Ph.D.’79, attended the reunion.
Thomas C. Clark ’65 ’67 ’79 attended the reunion.

Degrees earned at other institutions

Except to show multiple degrees earned at Western Michigan University, do not list more than one degree following a person's name. The following examples are a first reference to a speaker who earned her degrees at another university.
Incorrect: Rebecca McKenzie, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., will...
Acceptable: Rebecca McKenzie, Ph.D., will...
Preferred: Dr. Rebecca McKenzie will...
Do not mix degrees earned at WMU with degrees earned at other institutions. If Mary Smith earned a B.A. in 1995 from WMU and a Ph.D. in 2008 from the University of Illinois, list her as "Mary Smith, B.A. ’75," or as "Mary Smith, Ph.D." Never include the two-numeral class year construction with degrees earned from other institutions.

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2015

Master programs (all online unless otherwise stated)

sábado, 23 de mayo de 2015

For courses in Spanish:

For courses in Spanish:

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Spain Máster internacional de e-learning. This program is currently accredited in Spain. However, UOC is also offering a European Certificate for Course Design and Teaching in E-learning in English, in collaboration with the Institute of Education, University of London and the University of Florence, Italy, worth 20 European credits. The program is based on the Master’s Degree in E-learning, and the aim is for the certificate to be integrated with the masters degree to become a  European Master’s Degree recognized throughout Europe.
Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico Maestría en Tecnologías para el Aprendizaje
This program is nationally accredited in Mexico, and is now well established..
Universidad Tecnológia Metropolitana de Santiago (UTEM), Chile Magíster en Educación a Distancia
This has a strong technology component, international faculty, and students from several South American countries
Doing a Ph.D. in e-learning
I am often asked about what institutions offer a Ph.D. in e-learning entirely by distance. Very few! Indeed, the idea of a doing a Ph.D. in e-learning  by distance is based on a number of misconceptions. For instance, there are very few Ph.D. programs anywhere specifically in e-learning (Northcentral – see above – is an exception) and hardly any universities offer Ph.D.s at a distance (the Open University of Catalonia does, on the Information Society, and Athabasca University starts its D.Ed. in Distance Education in August 2008 – with 12 students. University of Lancaster, UK, and University of Calgary offer online programs, but still require a limited number of face-to-face meetings). But don’t give up. There are ways.
Your best bet is to try a good local university with a Faculty of Education or something similar. The trick is to find a local supervisor willing to accept your proposed area of research. Try to find someone in the local Faculty of Education with an interest in e-learning and try to negotiate a research topic of mutual interest. This is really the hardest and most important part. Getting the right supervisor is absolutely essential. However, there are many more potential students than faculty interested in e-learning.
Your admission to a program will depend on your prior qualifications – usually at least a masters degree in education or a related area – and your particular area of interest as defined by your intended research topic. In other words, try to find a suitable local supervisor and topic  BEFORE formally applying for admission. Depending on the university, you may not need additional courses if you already have a suitable masters degree, although you may be required by your supervisor to do some specific graduate courses, such as research methods or educational theory, if these are important to your topic and you have not studied them before.
If you find a willing and sympathetic local faculty member with an interest in e-learning but worried they don’t have the right expertise to supervise your particular interest, suggest a committee with an external supervisor (anywhere in the world) who really has the expertise and who may be willing to share the supervision with your local supervisor. Again, though, your chances of getting an external supervisor is much higher if that person already knows you or is aware of your work. Again, good e-learning professors are already likely to have a full supervision load, so it is not easy. (Whether good or not, my load is currently full!)
This means that even before applying for a Ph.D., you need to do some homework. Identify a topic with some degree of flexibility, have in mind an internal and an external supervisor, and show that you have done the necessary courses such as research methods, educational theory, etc., that will prepare you for a Ph.D. (or are willing to do them first).
Nearly all universities require ‘residency’, i.e. a physical presence on campus, for a Ph.D., but in reality the need for you to be there can be strictly limited. Most of your study can be done in your own locality. However, you will need to meet (in person or by phone) with at least your supervisor on a reasonably regular basis, and you should try to make meetings where other research students are discussing their work, or push for an online discussion forum for research students within the program.
Lastly, be sure you know why you want to do a Ph.D. There are only three good reasons:
  • because you want to teach about e-learning in a university;
  • because you want to do full-time research in e-learning when you have finished;
  • or (the best) you have a burning question you want to investigate.
If you cannot give a strong  ‘yes’ to at least one of those reasons, don’t do it. A Ph.D. is an expensive, time-consuming, and very frustrating waste of your time, otherwise.
See also:
  • The Economist: The disposable academic: why doing a Ph.D. is often a waste of time
  • StatsCanada: Labour market outcomes of Canadian doctoral candidates.
This content is published under the Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported license.
- See more at: http://www.tonybates.ca/resources/recommended-graduate-programs-in-e-learning/#sthash.sK3lu7HF.dpuf

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015

How get online master degree An online Masters program may be exactly what you need

How get online master degree

An online Masters program may be exactly what you need to complete your degree and improve
your scope. These Masters programs provide an opportunity for students to obtain a great deal of
knowledge and more in-depth study in their chosen field. In other cases, students can embrace a
complimentary, but different course of study to gather a new prospective and potentially new work
paths. In all cases, obtaining an online Masters degree is one of the best opportunities available to
 today's student.
Benefits of Taking an Online Master Now
Take an online Master program and you'll see just how many benefits there are. First, you can select
any global university to take your advanced degree since most schools recognize these programs and
 apply credit for them. In addition, you'll find some excellent opportunities available, including education
 that allows you to explore other cultures and ways of thinking. But, why online?
Online Masters degrees provide the student with the opportunity to learn at anytime from anywhere
without having to worry about the risks it poses to the family or budget. You can tap into a school's
curriculum in a country in Europe for example, and not have to travel to do so.
Types of Online Masters Programs
Masters degree programs come in all sizes and shapes. You'll find a program that fits your particular course of study at one of the many universities located throughout the world. Some options include:
  • Arts and Humanities programs
  • Business Administration and Management programs
  • Engineering and Technology programs
  • Law and Regulations programs
  • Natural Sciences programs
  • Biological, Life, and Health Sciences
Each university offering a master program will alter what you learn significantly within the curriculum.
Nevertheless, most schools pack these programs with incredible expertise and ample information so
that you are getting more of what you don't know and a more in-depth level of education than you
could working in the field or simply counting on your bachelor's degree.
Differences in Costs and Duration
Globally, most Master degree programs will run for 18 months to 3 years. Most are about two years
long. However, when you enroll in an online Master, you'll find that opportunities exist for speeding up
this timeframe or shortening it, depending on how much time you wish to devote to your studies.
In terms of costs, you'll find pricing varies significantly. At the highest end universities, you'll pay as
much as you did for a four-year education for a Master's degree that's completed in half the time.
 However, online programs tend to be far more affordable and students will be able to use loans to
 help cover the costs.
Keep in mind that obtaining a Master's degree allows the student to further his or her career ambitions.
You'll be more likely to get hired for the position you want. You'll find it is possible to secure the career
you've been dreaming about or to move up in a current position you are in. And, you can do it all right
 from home.

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Online college degree fast

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miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

With the University of North Dakota's ABET-accredited distance engineering degree program, you can earn your Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering while you continue to live and work in your local community. Through online learning, employees from the following areas have earned their bachelor's degrees while continuing to work:
  • 3M
  • Agilent Technologies
  • Boeing
  • Department of Transportation
  • Intel
  • Hutchinson Technology
  • Lucent Technologies
  • Westinghouse
  • Whirlpool Corporation
UND's distance engineering degree program prepares you for the responsible practice of professional engineering and provides you with the necessary skills to advance your civil engineering career. You will receive a well-rounded education that emphasizes creativity, critical thinking and communication skills.
Bachelor's Degree
Begins every Fall (August), Spring (January) & Summer (May)
  • 129 Credits
  • 6+ Years to Complete
  • Online
  • Recorded Lectures with On-Campus Labs
  • Semester-based Courses
  • Accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)

As a graduate of the online program, you will:

  • possess the technical, leadership, and communication skills for entry-level positions in the power, aircraft, automotive, defense or other industries
  • gain a broad understanding of thermal sciences, mechanical design and manufacturing processes
  • develop critical thinking and problem solving skills using the principles of science and mathematics
  • experience a design project that blends scientific knowledge and engineering analysis with social and humanitarian issues
    • past projects include: solar cars, wind tunnels, space hardware design, nanotechnology, pressure vessel research, coal combustion, agricultural innovations and precision machining
Mechanical engineering is one of the most versatile of all the engineering disciplines. As a mechanical engineer, you may work in power, aircraft, automotive or defense industries throughout the world.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015


The Johnson Law Group is a respected personal injury law firm headquartered in Houston. Our lawyers practice civil litigation and focus on product liability, class action, pharmaceutical cases, nursing home negligence, and business litigation. Nick Johnson is a Houston native and University of Houston law graduate. He started his first law firm in 1991 and now leads Johnson Law Group. Nick directs and practices in all personal injury law for the firm including: mesothelioma lung cancer, nursing home negligence, pharmaceutical law, and auto accidents.
Johnson Law Group provides clients with personal attention and dedication to winning lawsuits. We treat all clients as individuals and handle each case as the unique circumstance it is. All attorneys at Johnson Law Group hold themselves to the highest levels of integrity, compassion, legal knowledge, and dedication to achieving positive results for their clients. We provide the best legal services possible. Johnson Law Group also provides medical professional investigation skills, expert witnesses, and cutting-edge technology to provide maximum benefits for our clients.
If we sound like a fit for your legal needs, fill out the form on the right and we will contact you as soon as possible. Johnson Law Group looks forward to helping you succeed.

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015

Bachelor's degree online

The Universiry of Phoenix and your Online bachelor’s degree programs:

Between work and family, you don’t have time to attend classes at a local campus, but that shouldn’t prevent you from reaching your career goals. That’s why we offer online  bachelor’s degree programs, so you can get the education you need from the familiarity of your computer keyboard and monitor.
But just because you’re earning your bachelor’s degree online doesn’t mean you’re alone. With learning tools that adapt to you, career services that prepare you for the workforce from the moment you start classes, and corporate partnerships with some of America’s leading companies, you’ll be more connected than ever. You can even interact with other students on you PhoenixConnect® academic social network.
Speak to an Enrollment Representative about earning your bachelor’s degree online.

martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

An Online Degree is...

An online degree is an academic degree,usually a online college degree,  that can be earned primarily or entirely through the use of an Internet-connected computer, rather than attending college in a traditional campus setting. Improvements in technology, the increasing use of the Internet worldwide, and the need for people to have flexible school schedules while they are working have led to a proliferation of online colleges that award associate, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees.

The goal of educational accreditation, according to the United States Department of Education, is to ensure that programs provided by institutions of higher education meet acceptable levels of quality. ENQA, the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, describes the role of external quality assurance in education as one that "combines both accountability for the reassurance of the public and an objective and developmental role for enhancing quality in institutions". In the area of online education, it is important to avoid unaccredited diploma mills that offer fake degrees, as these are unfortunately common. Students seeking valid online degrees should obtain proof of accreditation from an appropriate national or regional accrediting body.

In the United States, online colleges that are fully accredited have earned a widely recognized form of university accreditation from one of six regional accreditation boards. Each of six geographic regions of the United States has one of these boards, a non-governmental agency that oversees and accredits degree-granting institutions headquartered in their areas. The U.S. Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) recognize the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC) as the accrediting organization for distance learning institutions and education programs that offer online degrees. However, DETC accreditation is commonly (though not universally) viewed as inferior to regional accreditation, and regionally accredited schools may refuse to accept transfer credit from DETC-accredited schools more often than they would refuse credit from other regionally accredited schools

domingo, 10 de mayo de 2015

Scholarship of things

Scholarship of things

Ulrich makes case for the narrative of objects

ddressing an audience at the Harvard Ed Portal, Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, the 300th Anniversary University Professor and a Pulitzer Prize winner for history, said that many objects in Harvard’s collections defy easy categorization.
Consider, she said, the tortilla.
“It’s one of my favorite objects in Harvard’s museums,” she said of the University’s 118-year-old tortilla, which is kept in the Harvard University Herbaria. “It’s a botanical specimen, or sort of a botanical specimen, that became an ethnographic object, but is now a historical document. It’s led our students on many adventures: not just into food history, but into the history of ethnic conflict, the history of immigration, the history of migration on both sides of the Mexican-U.S. border, and so on.”
Harvard’s four centuries of history, together with the depth and breadth of its holdings, mean that many items reward a more up-close examination, yielding insights on world history and the University itself.
That concept, Ulrich said, led her to create the “Tangible Things” undergraduate course at Harvard, which grew into the HarvardX offering of the same name. Ulrich said the main idea behind the course is that “any object can become an entry point into historical investigation. The shoes on your feet, the chair you’re sitting on, light fixtures in the room — common things have stories.”
But it’s easy to miss out on those stories. Some students never enter a museum during their studies, and those who do often experience only brief glimpses into Harvard’s vast holdings.
“In the 19th century, many of the fields that our students study didn’t exist,” Ulrich said. “They grew out of the collecting of natural things. Anthropology developed out of collections, for example. By the end of the 19th century, you had very specialized museums — zoology museums, history museums, technology museums, and so on.”
Ulrich has worked to break down those barriers and make connections among a large pool of items, and across all levels of campus life. “Our goals were to engage students with physical things and to break down categories between objects, to make people more aware about the world in which we live. We wanted them to think across categories, to pay attention to their own tangible world, but also to think about Harvard differently,” she said.
Robert Lue, faculty director of HarvardX and the Ed Portal, and a professor of the practice of molecular and cellular biology, introduced Ulrich as “one of the stars in the firmament” of Harvard’s History Department.
“When we think of the objects we see in a museum, we tend to think of things that are incredibly precious as the only things that have value and power,” he said. But Ulrich’s work shows that “from the perspective of history, any object is imbued with enormous power, and can teach us a lot about the world and about ourselves.”
Samanntha Tesch of Watertown brought a group of friends to the event.
“The presentation really made me think about the little tangible things that are around me every day: what they mean, and what future generations might think of them as artifacts of history,” she said. “There are things that, in a way, make me who I am. So I want to really see the things I experience around me, and think about what I want to preserve as my own history, too.”

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

Using science to create the perfect brisket

Using science to create the perfect brisket

Peyton Nesmith G3 at the grill
Peyton Nesmith G3, teaching fellow for ES96, makes final preparations prior to the taste test between the brisket cooked in the commercial competitor and the one cooked by the Harvard smoker.
Students in ES96 (Engineering Problem Solving and Design) are asked to tackle a specific design problem for a real client. In Prof. Kit Parker’s ES96 class this semester, the client was high-end cooking supplies retailer Williams-Sonoma, and the challenge was to create an easy-to-use, software-enabled, “smart” smoker that could be marketed for under $1,000 and would out-perform the industry-leading product (a kamado-style ceramic charcoal barbecue cooker called the Big Green Egg).
After consulting chefs and experts in ceramics, heat transfer, and food chemistry, and test-smoking more than 200 pounds of brisket during 13-hour cooking experiments—typically starting at 3 a.m. and conducted during Boston’s snowiest winter on record—the students developed a novel prototype. Their smoker addresses the biggest weaknesses identified in the comparison product: non-uniform heating.
The Harvard Smoker uses a hyperboloid (hourglass) shape inspired by the design of power plant cooling towers. The design increases the structural stability while producing a cyclonic airflow around the cooking surface, consistently bathing the meat in the flavor-imparting smoke. Meat is cooked at a lower and more consistent temperature. The students' design also features a side-access refueling chute that can be used during the cooking cycle without disturbing the smoking process and a water pan for added humidity. A temperature- and weight-sensitive cooking surface and fuel gauge notify the user, through a smart-phone interface, of the status of their meal.
After the students’ final presentation, members of the Harvard community, representatives from Williams-Sonoma, and guest lecturing chefs were treated to a brisket lunch and taste test behind Maxwell Dworkin.